The following are basic requirements that we strictly adhere to and consider to be extremely important for the smooth running of the centred for all concerned, be they staff or students.
- Attendance. If for any reason you are unable to attend a class it is required that you inform the school at least 24 hours in advance. This can be done via e-mail or phone call or message. Being on time for classes is also highly valued.
- Dress code. We have no formal dress code, but neat and tidy casual clothing is appreciated.
- Environment. We have a strict no drinking or smoking policy on campus.
- Complaints/Concerns. We have a complaints/concerns policy guideline that allows you to contact a person in the ground floor office as soon as possible, if you feel you have a problem that may need assistance in being handled effectively and impartially.
- Environment. We are environmental aware and concerned and therefore aim to create, as much as possible, paper free learning and low carbon impact site.
- Quality control. The quality of our environment as well as your learning experience is extremely important to us. We make every effort that “best practice” principles are adhered to in all areas.
- Cultural awareness and inclusivity. We ensure that all students and staff are treated with respect within a totally inclusive and harassment free environment.